Best part of my job? Its always a sunny day at 35,000 ft. The following describes my life, it's glamour, and the glory of being a flight attendant for a legacy airline. You're jealous... I can tell.
Monday, December 21, 2009
On The Road Again
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Twas’ the nights before Christmas and all through the plane,
not a passenger was stirring, so I could explain.
The passengers all nestled, snug in their seats,
with visions of rush hour they had just beat.
Luggage all stowed and belts fastened tight,
just sit back and enjoy a smooth American flight.
To fasten your seatbelt, there’s no need to fiddle.
Just slip in the fitting, pull end tight ‘round your middle.
To unfasten your seatbelt, lift the top of the buckle,
and then you’ll feel free free, to roam ‘round and chuckle.
There’s no smoking this flight, then sign never goes off.
And please keep your belts fastened, until we’re aloft.
And in your seat pocket there’s another surprise,
An illustrated card should emergencies arise.
There are emergency exits all over this ‘craft.
Two in the front and two in the aft.
Along with those exits, there’s window exits too.
Be sure to note which one’s closest to you.
The window exits are on either side.
They are over the wings, which help us to glide.
If the power goes out, there no need to fret,
First white lights, then red lights, to all exits direct.
There is one more thing you’ll want to take note.
Your seat cushions used if you had to float.
Please remove it, don’t set it aside,
place your arms through the straps on the underside.
The oxygen masks, please do take heed,
right above your head in case you should need.
Now watch the FAs so you know what to do,
in case this gold cup drops in front of you.
Stop what you’re doing and pull it down firm,
but don’t stop now there’s still more to learn.
Keep breathing with the base donned over your face,
put yours on first then your child’s face.
The oxygen mask does not inflate,
but the oxygen is flowing, so breathe your normal rate.
No smoking this flight, the sign never goes off.
please keep your belts fastened until we’re aloft.
And don’t be naughty, please do be nice,
don’t tamper with smoke detectors, or we’ll call the Vice.
With your electronics off and your luggage in place,
tray tables stowed and a smile on your face.
So on Dancer, on Prancer, on Donner and Blitzen,
right after takeoff, your drinks we’ll be fixin’.
Now that we’re through with our safety demo of flight,
we wish you all Happy Holiday’s and to all a good flight.
Written by: Nanci Yager, American Airlines Flight Attendant
And a special thanks to Pop Slinger for his original post!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Um... Hello???
Shanghai was awesome. The air is super dirty and smoggy and irritated my lungs. I went shopping, ate, slept, ate, slept, ate, shopped, napped, showered, ate, and then it was time to get back on the plane.
30 hour three day trips are not my favorite and reek havoc on my body. Three days later and all I want to do is sleep and eat. My next trip is Shannon on the 11th, so I have a few days to recover :)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Honolulu Part Duex
This job sharing stuff is unparallel to anything else I've experienced on the job thus far. I had a Honolulu on my line for the month of November and it is by far the coolest trip in the system. I'm glad that I had been there before and had a good idea of what I wanted to accomplish on my 24 hour layover. I wanted to go to daily mass and climb Diamond Head; and I did.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Best Friend Loves Me!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
HNL for a PVG???
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tel Aviv and Jerusalem: I was there. You were not.

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Ode to Laura Geller

Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Turnin and Burnin
Friday, October 9, 2009
Kudos to Teachers
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
And Don't Forget Your Deodorant!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
5 Words
Friday, September 18, 2009
Full Time V. Part Time
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
This Week
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Olde To Jet Lag
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
View From the Top
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
"I Love Peanut Butter Sandwiches" said Kyle and Dan
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Scheduling Roulette
Monday morning rolls around and the dirty surfer kids hit the waves at 5:30, and came to get me at 8:45 for breakfast. Usually on days off I'm rebellious with my phone and do things like turn it off or leave it at home, which I managed to do this particular morning. So over coffee at a classy Jersey diner, I checked my line and the trip was gone. Bumped. I immediately called scheduling, gave them Jo's number as mine for the next two hours, you know, just in case. We went bike riding and roller skating, and finally at one I decided I should be clean and pretty... just in case. I sat clean and pretty til 5 when dirty surfer boys showed up and demanded wave time. Even if I did surf, I couldn't go in the water... just in case. So I called to get released, which they did, but for a whole two hours. We came back from the beach, had some dinner, and hung out a bit, in bed by midnight. I heard the surfers go out at o'dark thirty, and then I get the scheduling wake up call at 8:35 to be in EWR at 11. Less than 2 1/2 hours to drive 110 miles, all for an airport alert. It took me 7 minutes to get dressed and in the car.
By the grace of the Lord, I made it on time and without a ticket.
I sat my four hours, went home, roller skated around the Twp park, now I'm doing laundry, and tomorrow I personal dropped... just in case. Another one of those days living the dream, as they say.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Every Place Around the World... We're Coming to America!
I opted not to take the NJ TPK, as summer traffic is HORRIFYING, and took 295 - rt. 1 - TPK instead. I stopped in one of the Brunswicks along the way to get a Subway sandwich and an iced coffee from Dunks. I've been to this particular Dunks a number of times, usually its a man behind the counter. Today, it was a lady who's eyes lit up when she saw my uniform. She wanted to know where I worked; I told her my airline. "You cannot be married" she simply stated. It was in that moment I realized how I should stop bitching about scheduling, my pathetic dating life, my current living situation because, as I went on to explain to her, this is America. There's no age discrimination at my place of employment - at ANY place of employment. I can and I WILL GET MARRIED SOMEDAY. I'll still be a flight attendant too. One of my friends is out on maternity leave. Talking to her made me take a step back and realize all the things that I do have, the opportunities I've been given are such blessings and so amazingly wonderful I'm thankful to have been given this life. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Current, Recurrent, and Postcurrent
Recurrent, as in recurrent training. I'm eligible to fly for another year. Yay! However, next year, I do recurrent and THEN fly an international trip. Most definitely NOT the other way around, as I've been doing it for the past three years. Sleep deprivation is not cute nor productive.
Postcurrent... is that even a word?... I found an interesting jumpseat read: Steve Harvey's Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. I learned that I should not give out my number, that I should take his and if I so choose and deem you worthy then maybe I'll call. I was impressed with myself for dressing appropriately/conservatively and not like sex, as Mr. Harvey says, and that I do indeed send myself home at a reasonable hour (anywhere from midnight to one in the morning). I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to say exactly what I think, and finding I prefer to keep my mouth shut as to appear to give consensus when that's not always the truth. I'd rather have the appearance of fitting in than let it be known otherwise, thereby forcing those around me to accept me for who I am. Blame it on my childhood, the job, the fact that I'm only 25 and there are still social situations when I want to be liked. Stirring softly is the the beat to my own drum and someday I'll be better at pacing myself, listening to it, doing what is best for me as well as the ultimate being true to myself. I'm pretty sure that's what's know as being THIRTY.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Being A Big Kid
Big Kid Life Step #1: Move out of the nest.
I'm going to look at an apartment down the shore on Tuesday, potential move in date is October 1.
Big Kid Life Step #2: Debit Control
I called and consolidated my credit cards to one card, 0% interest with no foreign transaction fees. I owe less than 2G's, but I don't want to owe anyone anything. Car loans and student loans are reasonable... $150 in eye cream? Not so much. I also got together last year's tax return to have it adjusted by an aviation specialized for the per diem.
Big Kid Life Step #3: He's Just Not That Into You
He didn't call. And its not because I did something wrong; there are no should have/could have/would haves. He's not into me and that's okay. Because someone else somewhere out there is and just as I don't want to settle, I don't want to be settled for.
(Begrudgingly) Big Kid Life Step #4: Clean Your Room... And Car
I live in the car, the room is back up support for my transient lifestyle. Unfortunately for me, I have to keep them tidy. I can do it. I can.
It is time to pick up and move on with my life as a single, 25 year old woman in this day and age. I've been waiting so long for something or someone to happen to me that I forgot how to take charge and be responsible for me. I'm what's happening, I'm making it happen, and then, I know in my heart there is a good, wholesome man out there waiting to stumble upon me.
Monday, August 3, 2009
They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What's a girt bar?
For what reason, you ask?
Fly to LaGuardia, work to Houston, and deadhead back to EWR. The other two flight attendants were also international reserves who had less sleep than I. I had a whole three hours! I got to sit in the flight deck for the ten minute ride to LGA and had an awesome view of the new Yankee stadium. There's something about watching the sun rise over NYC that amazes me every time. I worked first class down to Houston and was quite lost with no three tiered carts, silver coffee and tea set, or bake on board cookies. Domestic is like another airline! As for the deadhead back to EWR, I tried my hardest to pretend that it was just like crew rest for three hours and was rather unsuccessful. At least during crew rest I'm not in a middle seat, I can hide behind a curtain and foreign children are better behaved than Americans. I made it back to the house in time for dinner and the Bachelorette, in bed by 10 and up at 8 this morning... who gets up this early??? I go back on call at one, and am patiently waiting to find out whether or not they'll grant me an extra day off tomorrow. I desperately need some beach time!
Friday, July 17, 2009
RIP Nikon
After my fabulous Glasgow for the 4th, and kilo of cherries in Frankfurt, I decided that finally in Belfast, I did indeed need more shots of the cool things I do on layovers. I picked the trip up because it was the only position I was willing to work and I knew if I didn't pick up the chance of working was not good. There were these two cool senior mamas on the trip who picked it up to hang out and invited me along to take the tour of the city.
Belfast is a mildly depressing and sad place. There's a lot of British/Irish turmoil and we toured the murals and spent time on Bombay Street. And that's where it happened. I dropped my camera. Here are the last shots I got:
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
International, First Class, PARIS
Did you know it's Bastille Day???
Eff yeah.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wishing, and Hoping, and Thinking and Praying
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I'm destined to be an old maid.
I have conflicting feelings about all this - I'm excited for each one of them and I truly wish them the best! It's just that we're all at this awkward in between age of still living at home (bride #2 will be living at home until her wedding night, that makes me feel better) and not quite yet started our "real lives". But the more I look around, the more I realize that this is pretty much it. And to keep track of this in between-ness time and to celebrate my pity party, I invested in my very own Skagen two faced mother of pearl bling watch. I figured it was slightly more positive than the Burger King that I desperately wanted to gorge myself on. Did I mention I got a good deal on it? Mazel tov!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
AM's Best Week Ever!
This week has just made me very thankful not only for a job in general, but one as fabulously amazing as mine. I most certainly am one lucky and blessed woman!
OH! And as for my grand eating tour of the country, I had my schnitzel and cherries for breakfast before even leaving the hotel, a chocolate croissant in the airport, and I also bought a sandwich to enjoy en route to EWR. Every last bite was so tasty and delicious, each calorie so worth the workout I have planned for myself tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Marrying Up
A few months ago, I was chopping an onion for my special Lent vegetable soup when I missed and took a chunk out of my middle finger. My father came home from work to find me with my left hand wrapped in paper towels, on the phone with my doctor's office asking how to determine whether or not I needed stitches. I didn't, but had a nasty wound for days. Not cute when working first class aisle.
Today, we had decided on tacos for dinner and I was to make the guacamole. Three avocados were $4.95 at the Super Wal-Mart; my mother was less than pleased. So about a half hour prior to dinner, I started chopping the ingredients. A tomato, a bit of onion, small piece of garlic, and then it was time to half the avocado. I cut into the first one, and when I went to remove the pit with the knife I somehow managed to take a chunk out of my ring finger on my left hand. This cut was far more painful than the first; my first instinct was to cover the wound, apply pressure, and hold it above my head. It was one of those flap kind of cuts, and being that I have no real medical knowledge, I didn't want to head to the hospital right away and embarrass myself. So I made my mother take me across the street to the neighbor's house, who's a nurse, to assess my situation. Due to the "flap" nature, they usually don't stitch that type of flesh wound. From these experiences I have deduced two things: I clearly should not be allowed to use a knife and most definitely need to marry a doctor to take care of me and the subsequent children of the union because we all know how well I handle medical emergencies.
And my hand still hurts.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Bed Bath and Bunyons
If a 150 lb woman wears 4 inch heels, that's 300 lbs of pressure on her toes in each step.
No wonder why I have issues with my toes! So today when I was wondering around Bed Bath and Beyond, I found Pampered Toes Spa Therapy and let me tell you - they're amazing! For every hour I'm forced to cram my precious toes into heels, I plan on wearing my new Pampered Toes. Just like your teeth, you only get one set of feet!
Friday, June 19, 2009
State of Affairs circa 1700's
We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds...[we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our miss-managers to account but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers... And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for[ another]... till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery... And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression - Thomas Jefferson
Monday, June 8, 2009
Dating Pilots: Yay or Nay
And if Jillian so sillily doesn't give you the rose you deserve, I hope you become the next Bachelor!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Dog Looks Like A Lady
"Yes, Scheduler Candido?"
(B.B. 2009)
As for my layover in HNL, I did everything I wanted to do: have beers and fish tacos at Dukes, learn how to surf and eat sushi. I did manage to catch some waves and I'm still sore. It was the most amazing experience of my life and I can't wait to go back! Just think, in 23 years that'll be my line!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
May: Past, Present, Vacation and Sleep
In my two weeks at home, I managed to substitute teach four times. It is not my favorite. I'm there for what feels like hours on end and when the day's over, I'm still in Twp... I feel like I should be in Europe! Its not a difficult job and actually, many people are trying to talk me into it but I don't have the passion nor desire to be trapped in school all day. I already went to school and have the degrees to prove it. School also starts really early; I have to be up at 5:30 to get to school on time and that's just too early. My international sleep schedule says sleep at one, up at ten (this past week I've been hitting 11! Hoarding sleep like whoa). The conflicting time on my body is rough. I have today off but the district in my town didn't call, nor did I find anything cool on the computer. And now that I've been getting up at 11 this past week the idea of forcing myself up early tomorrow to babysit small children, well, its not a priority. I've started working out (walking, crunches, push ups), cooking (baked fried chicken, chili), and I even did some laundry. All the while, I wish I was flying.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
High School
Oh to live in the magical land of holding a line!
Monday, May 11, 2009
International Flying V. East Coast Time
I came in from LHR on Sunday and took a two and half hour nap. I got up at 7 and picked at whatever it was we had for dinner and went to bed around one (had I forgone aforementioned nap, I would have been in bed by 8 or 9). This morning I was up at 9:30, and lived in a state of fog til the late afternoon. Finally at 5 the fog lifts and I'm ready to go! Right now its 10:30 and I'm wide awake and slightly hungry even though I hit my three squares a day today. I'll be up til one again and it will be the same fog tomorrow. I guess I'm going to have to work harder to combat it and find new coping mechanisms... Like coming home JJ gave me a Crystal Light energy powder to add to my water! It was way better than Red Bull, it did not give me wings, and no vodka necessary. A vitamin B regiment is in my future, for sure. Perhaps if I try harder to work out and exercise that will assist in getting synapses firing and waking up without creating the dreaded caffeine addiction. Its almost easier to fly all the time and not worry about living life on east coast time. But now I have these next two weeks off, and I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself. My original goal was to sub both weeks... I'll keep you posted in this battle between flying and normal people time.
Someday, in the magical land of holding a line, I can just go to work like a normal person (100 hours! mainland Europe! back galley! first class aisle! piggy back trips!) and do my job and have a real life that doesn't revolve around someone calling me into the office. Someday, when I'm on fifth year pay making real money, I won't need a second job during the winter months. Someday when I meet Fictitious, and I'll get to fly because I want to and not because I have to. These somedays aren't wishes for better times to indicate a distaste for today, just hopes and dreams for a brighter tomorrow. Well, except for that one about Fictitious - you got me.
And as for tomorrow, I'll be five squared!
Friday, April 24, 2009
My Most Embarassing Moment... To Date
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Said Ooo LaLa, Said Ooo... Beat the Bears!
So a bunch of couch flyers were at a table near the phone (which was not ringing... it never rings when I sit alert) and I'm talking to this guy. He's from Dallas, his dad's a pilot here... and he used to be a NCA cheer camp instructor! Before I know it, we're busting out choreography that's a solid 10 years old, dancing about the crew room! We started watching all the cheer-related things we could get our hands on youtube... he's old teams, teams in the northeast. We were looking in particular for the Bombs over Baghdad advanced dance from NCA 2001 camp; our search was futile considering that we danced and cheered many moons ago, before there was such thing as YouTube. Hopefully next time we fly together it'll be on the 777 and we can dance all the way to LHR in the aft galley! That alert was amazing and the fastest one I've ever sat through. He is by far the coolest person I've met on the job yet!
Monday, April 20, 2009
I Guess There Really Is a Crew Line EVERYWHERE!
Last night as I lay sleeping
I died .. or so it seemed,
Then I went to heaven
But only in my dream
Up there St Peter met me
Standing at the pearly gates,
He said, 'I must check your record...
Please stand here and wait.'
He turned and said 'Your record
Is covered with terrible flaws,
On earth I see you rallied
For every losing cause.'
I see that you drank alcohol
And smoked and partied too,
Fact is, you've done everything
A good person should never do.
We can't have people like you up here...
Your life was full of sin,
Then he read the last of my record,
Took my hand and said, 'Come in.'
He led me up to the Chief of Heaven ...
'Take her in and treat her well',
She used to work in the Airline Industry ...
She's done her time in hell.'
Friday, April 17, 2009
Perfect Fifths
As for my own personal favorite airport story... it hasn't happened yet. Every trip when I clear customs I dream about Fictitious standing there waiting with flowers and princess parking (that means having parked in short term parking 100 ft away, not the employee lot an albino Rutgers bus ride away). I keep saying every morning when we clear customs in foreign cities that one of these trips I'm just going to pick some random person and go running for them and say ridiculous things like "OMG you're here! You remembered! I missed you! How's mom???" and pretend like they're there for me. I'm almost 97.5% sure if I did that, I'd be suspended from duty so for now I'll refrain... that is unless Fictitious just happens to show up in Dublin, Frankfurt, Birmingham. But not Heathrow, we miss that whole Love Actually scene because the bus picks us up at the aircraft. It makes me sad because that's my favorite part.
I'm a sucker for a kiss.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Why I Fly International
I must say the economy has sent people overboard. Working in the airline industry is a very different lifestyle all together. We meet tons of people daily, traveling all over the world, and hear tons of crazy stories. However yesterday drove me to the brink... I was working a flight from Chicago to Newark. We had pulled away from the gate and got word from Air Traffic that we were still delayed for 1hr 15mins on the runway. Of course the passengers were driving us nuts asking for a movie, water, refunds etc. After the 1hr 5min delay, we took off. Luckily, it wasn't a longer delay due to the fact that Chicago O'Hare and Newark are known for AT LEAST a few hours delay. Soon we were airborne. While getting the beverage cart ready, someone rang their flight attendant call button. I said "Okay lets get that bell when we move to the top of the aisle." A few seconds later we began our service. As Terence (the other guy working with me, he is was his 3rd week working for us) was pulling the cart forward a man approached him yelling, "It is sooo hot, I need food, are you going to do something about it? this is pathetic." Terence, being new shook his head and said "Okay sir, have a seat, be with you shortly." Then I stepped in saying "Sir, do you have a problem?" Well..that sent things over the edge. "Yes, I do. I have a problem with you all not taking care of the situation." He then stood and began screaming at me. Well, I screamed back. "SIT DOWN. SIT IN YOUR CHAIR RIGHT NOW. NO ONE EVER RECEIVED ANYTHING BY BEING RUDE." He says "I will show you rude, your rude. This is pathetic. How many more minutes do I have to spend on this airplane?" so I keep yelling, "Sir, minutes are irrelevant compared to your behavior at this time, sit down. I have had it with you. You are acting like a child." So he didn't give up. He got in my face pointing at me screaming while his wife yelled "Shut up and sit down Tom!" Well I didn't give up either. I am sick of people thinking they can run over us. Needless to say, TOM (a 62 year old man that needed to be put in his place) wanted to keep standing his ground. I served him a sandwich as nicely as possible, thinking he would not say a word. Then he yells again "I need all your employee information. You are pathetic." My reply "Oh okay, so now your being mature and calling me names. Trust me honey, you will have all my information by the time we land and the NJ police* meet this flight." He kept yelling... and called me a few names from his seat. When we landed, cops met the plane. TOM began yelling at them as well. I then stepped into the jetway with Tom, the police, the captain and the rest of the crew. Tom then yells "I should hit you, you are pathetic" directed towards me. So, here I go again "I wish you would...I could take you old man...I would have a knee to your spine in a second and you would be biting the curb." Then the Captain said "Hit her..I WISH YOU WOULD." The NJ police let me say whatever I wanted. SO I told him how he is a ridiculous grown man that has no respect for women. Needless to say, he got so irate that they threw him face down and handcuffed him. Then TOM was on his merry way.
I can't believe this..I really can't. I am still in shock. The economy had completely driven people to this point, and I am not dealing with it on a metal tube at 35,000ft. I am really burnt out at this point. I need a vacation. Everyone thinks my job is just "peachy". However, times have changed. People are hateful towards others... such a sad, sad situation. Not sure how much longer I can take this job... just needed to vent. Then to top it all off... our turbulence was severe enough to almost bring me to tears. I landed in ATL this morning in 200+ mph winds and we nearly "bit the bullet" is what the captain said. I have never been so scared during a landing...I cannot believe we keep landing in these conditions...
*NY/NJ Port Authority Police handle any sort of aircraft situation at EWR, LGA, and JFK as well as the bridges, tunnels, rails, and ferries in NYC and Northern Jersey. Rent a cop they are not!
Domestic flying was burning me out because of how poorly scheduling treated me, multiple legs a day with minimum rest in between, and horrid horrid passengers that made me want to move to the prairie land and live in isolation. International passengers know the drill, know how to behave (and if they don't, they're American), and are followers of the golden rule. European nations have this societal believe of taking care of one another; not us and it shows.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
On a slightly less positive note, there's this TSA screener in EWR that lived next door to me in the freshman dorms at Rutgers. He used to play his "urban" tunes quite loudly and make the hallway reek of weed; I'm shocked no one ever caught on to his shenanigans (disclaimer - I will admit that this is technically hearsay, and you do have to pass a drug test to work for the feds). But he still checks your suitcases for liquids and explosives...
Monday, April 6, 2009
I'm Writing You From London
Sunday, March 29, 2009
International, First Class, London Heathrow (up)
My current career goal is to learn German, be a speaker, and hold Frankfurt.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Geneva! Frustrations and Praises
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Nice Try
Now I'm not sure which one of you, but I'm missing a few of my classic cds such as Finch, The Starting Line, GUK, Pink Floyd, etc. There is no way that I can possibly know what it is to burn, or continue to have east coast envy with out them. Please return them to me; I still live in the same white house with black shutters. I may still have a few things of yours like a teddy bear or two, but you took back all the other good stuff.
I'm guessing this means that I'm just out a few cds and will have to fly an extra LHR to purchase them back...
Worth a shot, right?
Always (just not forever),
PS - Tonight, I have airport alert from 1930 to 2330.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Catering to Crew Members
Monday, March 2, 2009
Well... Part Zwei
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Southwest and S.I.
If Southwest Airlines was the carrier that denied boarding to a woman dressed in a white mini skirt, claiming her outfit was lewd and inappropriate, why are they putting a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model on one of their aircrafts???
If they want to be known as a modest and family-friendly airline, that goes for everyone in and on the plane... will they be airbrushing her a cover up?
I think not.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
And that airport is...
C'mon now people. What other airport, aside from LHR, do I ever really talk about???
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Name That Airport!
Friday, January 30, 2009
25 Things
1. I am finally learning German and while its difficult, I love it!
2. I heart beer, and am a complete beer snob.
3. I party in Europe, and refuse to do so state side. In Europe they dance like its 1985, and you can't beat that.
4. Yes, I'm spoiled and like Euro things better - because they are! Except the men...
5. Men from California/the west are my weakness. The more times you can work the word "dude" into a sentence, the slower and clearer your English is, the more laid back you are, the better! And it gets me into trouble every time...
6. My job is more of a lifestyle, and it suits me well.
7. My goal in life is to be the First Lady.
8. My favorite band is still The Get Up Kids. Some things never change.
9. I have a cat named Rowdy, and that's the best adjective to describe her.
10. The best vacation I ever went on was Greece with Maureen. I make you lamb!
11. Buzz... your girlfriend... woof!
12. Someday, I'd like to be a Dr and teach college kiddies about places, cities, food policy, suburbs, and all those other geographic things.
13. I really like school... how blasphemous is that???
14. My favorite place to be in the world is on the plane. I've fallen in (and out) of love on one, I work on them, and they always take me to where I want to be.
15. Home is a feeling, and the only geographic location to ever inspire that in me is my Grandmother's house.
16. The best I have ever felt, the most amazing day I've ever had, was a sunny weekday in April 2006(Thursday maybe?) when I handed in my finished senior thesis. It was so gratifying and fulfilling, and to this day, it is one of my defining accomplishments.
17. Though I do love beer, my drink of choice is Jack and ginger; I've learned to have a drink like a lady and not the whole bottle like a whore.
18. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'd like to extend a big thank you to the super sluts who put out on the first date, are non-discriminatory serial daters, and have single-handedly destroyed any modicum of decency, morality, romance, and chivalry that used to be known as courting... way to lower those standards!
19. My favorite color is green. You're so totally surprised, you can't even deal. I know.
20. I love strange B class movies like Mystery Men, Mystery Alaska, Heartbreakers, Just Friends. Those movies that maybe you once saw a commercial for, or they play it at ten in the morning when no one's really watching tv anyway.
21. I must love you a lot if we chat via text. If you have something important to say (for example, I'd like to see you, or I would not like to see you) then you really should call. Moreover, texting does not allow for proper punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, or my sub par attempts at humor.
22. I firmly believe that the Boeing 757 is the worst smelling of all the aircrafts. Trust me.
23. New Jersey shore.
24. OMG I AM 24. I have an entire lifetime still ahead of me and I'm not in a rush anymore.
25. My sister is effing awesome. She's way cooler than anyone else I know and I love her dearly.