Best part of my job? Its always a sunny day at 35,000 ft. The following describes my life, it's glamour, and the glory of being a flight attendant for a legacy airline. You're jealous... I can tell.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Puppy Kisses and Unicorn Rides for Christmas
Friday, November 23, 2012
So excited.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Sleep Tight...
It's brought bed bugs to a hotel near you.
Recently I was in a hotel, that I will name by personal message, with an issue in more than one room. I will also tell you, slanderously so via PM, which crew hotels that have been identified in the system as hosts of infestations of the night. When my sister worked for Disney she learned the extensiveness that they deal with bed bugs (and I must say, if you were going to encounter that problem, then Disney is most certainly the place to do so). It truly is a global problem, and has been for I'm guessing centuries.
At the moment, my suitcase is in the trunk of my car and I'm quite fearful to bring it into my apartment or parents' house. I think it can just hang out a few more days before I pick out what needs to be dry-cleaned, or until I get desperate to wash those pajamas...
Or I might just get a new suitcase...
Friday, November 9, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Flying High: Fan Mail and EDI
Fan Mail
As instructors, we get to fly only when the operation needs the coverage. Hurricane = operational need. This time around I felt like I had been given the golden ticket... partially because I wanted to get out of the house but also to satisfy the "I want to fly" itch. As I was running around trying to get everything in order, I came across this in my inbox:
I started reading your blog a few days ago, yes the whole thing, all 5 years of it…ha. I found myself extremely engaged, almost like reading a book, a really interesting book of course. I have been researching and looking for insight to the job from first hand perspective. My aunt has been an FA for United for about 25 years know. Her and my mother signed me up for the job, unbeknownst to me, and I received an email back a few months later inviting me to come for an interview...
I am 26, I graduated from college with a degree in microbiology with an emphases on epidemiology. I have been really stuck in my ways my whole life. I had a serious plan for veterinary school, until I got burnt out; then started on my track for med school, and was unable to get the funding. Like most women my age I have been in one failing relationship after the other. I eventually came to the realization of "what the hell do I want to do"...
So I come to you after reading your blog and I feel like there is hope. After hearing your struggles and the issues you have faced, I feel like I am ready for a change. I will have to leave my completely unsupportive boyfriend behind, and my Boston Terrier with family, but what the hell…. I really have nothing to lose. I just hope it's the right decision because I really am not the type to just jump ship and leave it all behind. My family including my sick father thinks I will have the time of my life and they all wished they would have taken this opportunity when they were younger. I just wanted to take the time to thank you for writing your blog, it rely helped me make my decision.
Thank you, Future Stew, for taking a leap and trying something new and more importantly, for reaching out and saying so. I don't need to tell you all my applying advice; you've read it and I'm sure you found The Flying Pinto who's a much better resource. I wish you all the best. Bringing how lucky I am to my attention before hitting the road helped me get through the motions of driving up the turnpike, stopping in Bayonne, and getting mentally ready to suit up and show up. Doing those things wasn't particularly easy, and I still don't have power in my apartment.
We were given the green light, go pick up a trip at noon on Thursday. I had a feeling it was coming, and was stalking open time looking for my friends or trips I would want to fly. I did a lot of Edinburgh this summer and I chose it over higher time trips because I wanted to be someplace comfortable. I also needed something that checked in late enough for me to go first to Bayonne, and there were only turns (ew!) in domestic. Having closely followed the news and the Governor's frequent updates about the storm damage and transit closures, I still wasn't prepared for what I saw en route to my apartment and at the airport: crazy lines for gas, complete clean up and debris piles on the NJ TPK, and my town completely powerless. It hasn't been that cold yet, so my building was tolerable and I was able to clean out my fridge. I left as soon as I was ready for some serious high speed aluminum tubing.
The flight over was uneventful - just how I like it. We got together as a whole crew and had a night cap before our naps. The weather was beautiful, as you already saw; we all had views of Sir Arthur's Seat from our hotel rooms. I woke up starving and ran to The Potato Place, which is take away serving baked potatoes with all these amazing toppings for cheap. It's the kind of place that a carbo-holic's dreams are made of.
We met for dinner, and our friend who's the concierge of the hotel, recommended a restaurant called Mum's. Not gunna lie, my first thoughts about the name were "mum's the word" as in secrets. Boy was I wrong. The menu was affordable comfort food, rather affordable deliciousness.
I had sweet potato soup with mac and cheese.
Everyone else had some sort of pie with carrots and the most delicious peas on the side. Way better than Nando's, and I'm thinking their pies are better than Auld Jock's even though I have yet to make it there before they close.
In Nando's defense, it's popular with crews because there's no battle of the check. It's set up so you go to the register, order and pay, sit down and be served. The check for this particular meal was also no issue because it was taken care of by one of the flight attendant's boyfriend who's a local... and possibly Chuck Norris.
Now, it's not everyday I accuse people of being Chuck Norris, mostly because I've never met someone worth of the name. But here's a list, as compiled by Smiling Paul, of things we learned about this Faux Chuck Norris over the course of the evening:
(1) he's Billy Connolly's neighbor,
(2) built a flying car and sold it to a company bigger than Boeing & Airbus,
(3) was a super-soldier in the SAS and carried a guy on his back 500 miles through the desert
(4) jumped off a 110' cliff with a snowmobile three weeks ago and lived to tell about it,
(5) had a brain tumor removed five weeks ago, and
(6) has jammed with Steve Martin (the actor/comedian/banjo player).
How gullible are we? I don't even mind that we were buying what he was selling because he was fun and paid for dinner. Kept us amused all night long - including later at the pub when he spun another stew around the dance floor and kept lifting his kilt to show off his sexy leg to his ladyfriend. She was not nearly as amused by those shenanigans as I was and her embarrassment. We were out dancing and drinking quite late for a school night. It was so nice to be out and blow off some steam, considering all the hardships most of us were facing, are facing, at home. But the crew camaraderie is what the job and what living the dream is all about.
As well as identifying possible Chuck Norris (and yes, that is the plural).
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Natural Disaster Readiness
I have my tote, but my suitcase and everything else are in my apartment. So now I'm off to Bayonne, with no power, to gather my belongings so I can go to Edinburgh tonight.
I'm excited to get on the plane tonight; not exactly looking forward to getting everything in line to get there.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Assessing Conditions
They have since dissipated.
After work on Sunday (training center), I quickly went back to Bayonne, packed my bag, and went to my parents' house. My biggest fear was having to ride out the storm alone in my apartment. Airport operations were closed/cancelled beginning at 7 pm Sunday night and were not scheduled to resume until noon today. In short, that means I don't have work again til Friday - possibly Thursday if they add another class.
Down here in South Jersey, my parents' house lost power for a few hours Monday night. It's actually been quite nice to be together with the fam, and spending time thinking about life; just some philosophical thinking about where I am and where I want to go. As for the conditions of my town, my apartment, I'm thinking my only casualty will be the contents of my fridge. I don't know if power has been restored quite yet; I'm hoping it will be this weekend.
Having watched the continuous coverage of the storm, at both the local and national level, I know how lucky I am to be safe, warm, well-fed, and together. Some people lost everything and my heart and prayers go out to them.
For information about the storm and climate:
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
September Adventures!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Und Jetzt...
When my sister and I were in Germany earlier this year, she asked me to go to Paris. To have a picnic under the Eiffel Tower is a line item that lives on most people's bucket lists for years and I fail to have a perspective where that's a big deal. Because it is, especially to my sister. So we're going next week. I'm getting pretty excited, but the fun, antsy, nervous kind. I've only ever stayed in the confines of our crew hotel, which is a block away from the Eiffel Tower, and have yet to experience "the real Paris." I'm unfamiliar with their metro or tube or subway, and our hotel is on a street with constants I know you don't pronounce. We are certainly in for an adventure and I'm sitting back, giving thanks, and opening my eyes for a broader outlook with gratitude.
The week after, I'm going to Oktoberfest with K. That's a broader outlook with "Bier Brille" ;)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Scottish, British, and the UK
Friday, August 10, 2012
Life Happens While You're Busy Planning
Monday night, we were supposed to have dinner at Bobby Flay's in AC. Thanks to crew (screw) scheduling, we ended up at Delmonaco's in Manhattan Tuesday night. It's Restaurant Week, we were together, and the food was amazing. Moreover, it gave me some time to myself, which after working that 6 day trip was much needed.
At the moment, my mother and sister were in Disney and my father's in NorCal with his family. After a great internal debate, I decided to meet up with my father in SMF and as a surprise, be with my grandmother for her birthday. I woke up super early Wednesday morning, attempting a connection in Chicago. It was a mess from start to finish. My connection was cancelled, and I ended up back in EWR 12 hours after I'd left. Kris was going out to Belfast on a 3 day and I considered going with her. Kind of glad I didn't.
Thursday, I bought myself a new mattress! Consolation prize for missing all the fun in CA with my father, Guinness in Northern Ireland, and not being able to go with J to MUC. She's there now and will be home tomorrow.
This morning, Friday, I woke up to a fury of messages from Kris, in Belfast, that her flight's been cancelled. It's her boyfriend's 30th birthday party. Surprise birthday party. Guess who's in charge of that one now? I immediately messaged J and told her not to be sad about missing the party, as the hostess won't be there either.
Life happens. Crew scheduling happens. It's all a big game, and sometimes you win and sometimes your flight's canceled.
I go back on call tomorrow and I'm good for five days. Only the Lord knows what's in store for me now...
Friday, August 3, 2012
Domestic Layovers
We got in about 6 hours late to DC, and immediately went out for drinks. Delicious. As the beer snob... er, expert... I ordered my friend a dunkel and it was bananas - literally ;)
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
$20 Anyone?
That says no one's ever seen you without makeup.
You're always made up.'
Mix Tape by Brand New
And especially when I go to work.
A few years ago, when I started going back and forth from my parents house to work and then back to my apartment, I decided to downsize makeup bags so I could always have it in my purse. On my last trip in June, I left my makeup in the crew hotel in LHR. And now I'm sitting here in MAN with no makeup; I left it in my apartment safe and sound where I couldn't leave it in crew hotels. Which most certainly defeats the purpose of buying new makeup to replace what I just lost. In my locker at the training center, I have a spare girl kit with mascara and eyeliner... I'm beginning to think I should have something similar in my suitcase...
Oh well, just another task on my DC to do list ;)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wild Blue Yonder
Upon my return, the girls and I are going to Bobby Flay's Steakhouse in AC. This is also going to be the first time all season I'll be on the beach... which kind of breaks my heart. I love the beach. Wednesday morning, I'm going to NorCal to meet my dad and uncles to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. When I get back Friday night, we're celebrating Bestie's 30th birthday. It looks wonderful on paper, doesn't it? And then I go on call for another 6 days...
At the moment there's 6 day DUB in there. Fingers and toes ;)
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Belle Reprise (german)
Thus far this year, I took my sister to Europe for the first time - and not just any Euro trip, but we did Frankfurt, the Rhine River Valley, and Heidelberg Castle. I spent another month in Augsburg. We did a girls trip to Rapid City, South Dakota. Next week, I'm going to NorCal with my father.
Slowly but surely, my dream trip to Machu Picchu is shaping up... I've only been planning that one for two years ;)
And my latest dream trip? Munich and Nuremberg for the Christmas markets. I'm thinking second weekend in December. You coming?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
LHR Thai
I was excited to get this London trip because I wanted to go to my favorite Thai place, The Churchill Arms. It has a great atmosphere, good beers on tap (even though I always get Guinness), and the food is reasonably priced and quite delicious. Here's a snapshot from my table, looking across the way. The ceiling is covered with hanging potted plants, and the windows are large and let in as much light as is shining.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Check us out! We did Edinburgh together, and climbed Sir Arthur's Seat! It was wonderful, and we look so cute coming home too ;)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The Rules
Glasgow. Found the Nando's.
Edinburgh. Found the Nando's, and Whistle Binkies.
Belfast. FINALLY had a beer at Kelly's Cellars. Walked past the Nando's ;)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Ich vermisse dich
Here are a few of the snapshots from my last day in Augsburg. It was my dream day, mein Traumtag. I went to school in the morning with goodies from the bakery. Received all 2's and an 1 in conversation! Went it to Pow Wow for a coffee with the kiddies after class. Then went on an epic journey to find the big slide; went down aforementioned slide. Drank a bottle of Italian wine on a bench in the park, that J had brought from Italy to New York, then back to Munich for my birthday. It was delicious. As it was Feiertag, made our way out to the suburbs (via bus! I rode the bus!) for beers in a tent in the middle of a field. I couldn't have planned it, dreamed it, or lived it better.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
RIP Robin
Monday, May 21, 2012
Now What???
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Meine Haare
Via iPhone
Monday, May 14, 2012
I had long since forgotten that I only party in Europe. It's been ages since I've been out... I think it was Vegas? The tunes were rocking - all the same stuff at home on the radio - the beer was reasonably priced; and we were out til the next morning. Super.
One's birthday comes but once a year and I was quite thrilled to have spent it here - again. I go home in four days and I'm running around town doing all my favorite things one last time. I know I'll be back - the plane leave everyday so says my mother ;)
Friday, May 11, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Where The Wild Things Are
It's been such a treasure and a joy to have been welcomed into another family for no other reason than just because. I'm more than half way done and I wouldn't change it for the world.
Let the wild rumpus start! cried Max.
Via iPhone
Saturday, May 5, 2012
1. I'm not a kids person. You most certainly are not cuter than me, and don't make that face because I invented the face to get money from my parents, drinks from silly boys, and to get out of a speeding ticket. I'm not buying what you're selling, kid.
2. If and when I do have kids, I really hope I get the two for one deal. I can't even imagine spending my days off coming up with new and different ways to amuse you. If there's two of them then they can amuse each other.
3. Whatever you name your kid, I hope you like it. Because you're going to be telling it. A lot.
4. If you told the kid once in one language, they aren't going to listen in another, regardless of fluency.
5. I just haven't met him yet. It seems to me, that all these normal, self centered people who went on to reproduce keep telling me it's worth it; and I suppose they're right. Maybe it will be for me.... in like ten years ;)
Via iPhone
Friday, May 4, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A Little Piece of Bavarian Heaven
My only problem is that I keep taking two hour naps in the afternoon... Like today, I came home from school, ate lunch, did homework, and then went for my epic first run... And bam! Asleep for two hours. I didn't mind as much because I did make it outside to enjoy the sunshine. But now it's time for bed and I'll easily sleep til 6 when the sun comes up and doze for another hour.
All the sleep I can get, all the beer I can drink, fresh everything - fruit, meat, yogurt - that I can eat. And learning, something adults forget they love - okay well, at least this "adult."
Yep. Why I do declare: a little piece of heaven.
Via iPhone
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Be Careful What You Wish For...
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Pants Party!?!!!????
Monday, April 16, 2012
Am I Too Old For This???
Sunday, April 15, 2012
It's 9:45 in the morning and I'm eating lamb...
Yesterday, Kris and I went out for Greek food. We found an awesome restaurant in Highland Park, close to my alma mater Rutgers. We ordered way too much delicious food and ended up bringing most of it home.
Which I'm now eating... for breakfast...
I haven't had Greek food this amazing since J and I were in Germany two years ago. The time before that, when Mo and I were in Athens in May, 2008. So to find lamb this amazing in America is beyond exciting! AND the restaurant was BYO!!!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Ich habe blonde Haare.
Pictures to come, I'm sure.
I leave in eight days.
Via iPhone
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Of Monsters and Men - Lakehouse (Live on KEXP)
Sunday, April 1, 2012
New Hire Anniversary

Friday, March 30, 2012
So Indecisive... And Fearful...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Which means there's a small child running around with bare feet. Unacceptable. But more importantly, WHY???
Monday, March 26, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Dreaming Big!
'Blood' The Middle East
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Credible Threats to Aviation: Stupidity
Monday, February 27, 2012
Festive Holiday Decorations
And no, I do not display them both at the same time! One's February and the other March.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Pink Eye Fail
And now this week, I've got pink eye. I'm so sad. I'm being shipped back home later tonight (I have to wait for a flight with open seats) and of course my optometrist isn't in the office again til Monday. Awesome. The worst part is I selfishly put my class and coworkers in danger because I'm contagious. It's taking the wind out of my I'm going home sails.
My couch, here I come.
Via iPhone
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Fan Mail: The Interview
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Epic Love Songs
Saturday, February 18, 2012
New Hire Fail
I politely smiled and walked away.
There are a zillion things I SHOULD have said... like aw, that's cute - good luck with that attitude out online. I've been here for five years and you're still on probation for another five months.
I don't know where these new hires get this false sense of awesomeness... enjoy reserve!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Resolutions Win
I'm trying hard to put these five things at the forefront of my life; accomplishing these things will only make me more successful and satisfied. Being sick knocked me down and let me sit and think about how to make better financial decisions. Apparently spending more than you make is not one of them. I logged on to my primary financial institution's website to discover that they had a budgeting tool available, allowing you to choose which categories best fit your lifestyle (ie: rent, not mortgage) and then what the budgeted amount should be for the month to then classify all debits and expenses. This month will be different because I'm not spending it home doing the usual routine and while we do get reimbursed for our travel expenses, its not exactly what I'd call a timely operation. It's a pretty cool tool to use, and a great habit to get into. It's also making me excited to save for the future and stop squandering now. There are only so many treats (shoes...) one deserves...
Up next on the priorities list is studying German for a half hour every day.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Scheduling Nightmares
I dreamt I was on a month of company business - that's what they call flight attendants on special assignments like teaching at the training center or working at the duty desk. And without my knowledge, scheduling put a late LHR on my line. I saw it, suited up and showed up at 10:40 in the morning instead of at night and had a total breakdown in the crew room. Completely lost it, lying on the floor, screaming, crying, carrying on, and was quite a mess over being "forced" to fly a trip. Part of the insanity stems from not being able to tell scheduling no. If you choose to refuse a trip, you are thereby choosing to turn in your company issued badge and manual (resigning, quiting, etc). It. Was. Awful. (Off the record, you can call in sick; however, that can lead to disciplinary action if abused). Thankfully in my present to near future, I'll be safe and sound downstairs at the training center. Where at the moment, I belong.