Finally made to Germany, settled in with my host family. Going to school everyday and loving every minute of it. Today the weather was so amazingly beautiful, I went for my first run EVER. I ran. Ich bin gerannt. I did okay, considering I didn't have my inhaler. My knees have determined they do not like pavement, but could handle dirt paths and whatnot.
My only problem is that I keep taking two hour naps in the afternoon... Like today, I came home from school, ate lunch, did homework, and then went for my epic first run... And bam! Asleep for two hours. I didn't mind as much because I did make it outside to enjoy the sunshine. But now it's time for bed and I'll easily sleep til 6 when the sun comes up and doze for another hour.
All the sleep I can get, all the beer I can drink, fresh everything - fruit, meat, yogurt - that I can eat. And learning, something adults forget they love - okay well, at least this "adult."
Yep. Why I do declare: a little piece of heaven.
Via iPhone
Best part of my job? Its always a sunny day at 35,000 ft. The following describes my life, it's glamour, and the glory of being a flight attendant for a legacy airline. You're jealous... I can tell.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Be Careful What You Wish For...
A few weeks ago, I told J that I thought it would be really cool if my host family had kids. I know I probably shouldn't wish for little ones, but kids like to share their knowledge and are helpful, more often than not.
My host family has a five year old son.
So now, in the aftermath of the pants party, I'm going to go repack my roller and pack my carry-on. It's showing there's a seat in the front for me (SO SPOILED), but just in case I need to put together my economy class bag of treats. I've also been keeping an eye on the weather and it looks like it'll be cold when I first get there but then it'll warm up to be real spring, like here.
And the best packing part is I'll be back Friday, so I can do a complete wardrobe change if need be.
Bavaria here I come.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Pants Party!?!!!????
Tonight, I hosted a pants party for me and my two flight attendant besties... in order to pack my pants. Because I'm going to Germany, for a month. And I leave on Saturday.
SAY WHAT???!!!
Apparently, pants parties involve J yelling at me that no, I cannot take four different sweater dresses, and Kris yelling about how I can't pack my tights with my slippers because they're not matching (slippers are footwear that cannot touch other things and tights are clothing). There was also beer. Lots of beer. So now that I'm all packed and ready to go, I feel good. Mainly because I'm coming back home in a week and can bring this all back and try again. Or wash with a real washer and dryer.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Am I Too Old For This???
At the moment, the only real reason why I want to go to Germany so badly is to put an end to this horrific allergy attack. Sneezing, runny nose, scratchy throat, sinus pain and pressure all day and with the current weather in Bavaria, I'm quite certain that's the best solution to end my misery.
However, I also had the fleeting thought that maybe I'm too old for this. I'm about to be 28 years old - isn't it supposed to be time to settle down? Isn't that what everyone else is doing? Pairing off and procreating? I guess... but we're all going to be 28 regardless. And then before we know it we'll be 50. So I suppose I'll be doing what I want to do and not what I think I'm supposed to be doing or what everyone else is doing. It's scary, but more importantly, it's an adventure.
The one thing I've always ever wanted: adventure.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
It's 9:45 in the morning and I'm eating lamb...
Yesterday, Kris and I went out for Greek food. We found an awesome restaurant in Highland Park, close to my alma mater Rutgers. We ordered way too much delicious food and ended up bringing most of it home.
Which I'm now eating... for breakfast...
I haven't had Greek food this amazing since J and I were in Germany two years ago. The time before that, when Mo and I were in Athens in May, 2008. So to find lamb this amazing in America is beyond exciting! AND the restaurant was BYO!!!
So here it is: lamb with artichoke hearts, dill, and greens in a lemony garlic sauce. So light and crisp, the perfect entree regardless of time.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Ich habe blonde Haare.
It's recently been brought to my attention that with my new fancy highlights, I'll be perceived as the stereotypical blond American whilst in Germany. Awesome.
Pictures to come, I'm sure.
I leave in eight days.
Via iPhone
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Of Monsters and Men - Lakehouse (Live on KEXP)
Saw these guys Friday night and they rocked my socks. Loved it. And the drummer ;)
Sunday, April 1, 2012
New Hire Anniversary
March 17, 2007 was my first official day I suited up and showed up and poured the cokes. My first assignment was airport alert, and I was then assigned a three day trip with layovers in Tuscon and LaGuardia (the crew hotel was across the street from Shea stadium). It was the most exciting and exhilarating thing I've ever done. I was the lead flight attendant, I got to make all the announcements and be at the top of the bar cart. This was also back in the day when we actually served people refreshments and meals. I remember sitting on the jumpseat thinking to myself - remember how cool you think take off feels, carry this with you. And I've tried hard to keep those first flight attendant moments in mind. Not like I've flown a trip recently, but still, I'm grateful.
When you're a new hire flight attendant, you're on probation. During this probationary period you frequently meet with your supervisor. I vividly remember being asked to show my supervisor all my required duty items during one of these meetings - my flashlight, cabin key, manual, alarm clock, pen, passport (both FAA and company required items). He took my passport and saw where I was born, Frankfurt. He said they were short on speakers, and asked if I spoke; I didn't. I thought I could never go to Germany (um, hello, you fly for free)... I thought I could never do something like that on reserve (the Frau at community college might agree, but I did indeed pass 101 with a solid B)... I thought I'd never have the courage to go alone, but I did two years ago and I do now. It takes me a while to get to places I'm trying to go, to accomplish my goals. There's even a Bright Eyes song about it - these things take forever, I especially am slow. Oh, but the adventures I've had, and oh the places I'm about to go.
Hopefully in a real seat.
Below is yours truly, circa March 2007. My hair is blondish now, my nails are natural. I have no idea where that watch is, and those heels were the best pair I've ever owned. The ear to ear grin, well, somethings never change.

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