Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I went to high school with this kid. There are articles all over the place in the Courier Post and Inquirer about him; its pretty exciting.

On a slightly less positive note, there's this TSA screener in EWR that lived next door to me in the freshman dorms at Rutgers. He used to play his "urban" tunes quite loudly and make the hallway reek of weed; I'm shocked no one ever caught on to his shenanigans (disclaimer - I will admit that this is technically hearsay, and you do have to pass a drug test to work for the feds). But he still checks your suitcases for liquids and explosives...


Alison said...

How did you go to HS with that guy? He looks 45. His page says 1984 but I ain't buying it.

The Lysser said...

I promise you, he sat in front of me in homeroom senior year. He's in my prom pictures!