Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Peru day 2

Drafting this on the way to Arequipa.

Survived the trip down past the equator. Per my mother's instructions, I struck up a conversation with the gentleman seated next to me who gave me a bunch of restaurant recommendations. Once we started to descend, I asked him about getting a taxi and before I knew it, he offered his driver's services. It was so nice of him to take me to my hotel. En route he pointed out different places he had mentioned earlier.

First day on tour in Lima, we went to San Francisco Solano church and the catacombs, saw the changing of the guards at the palace of government. Lunch - fresh pineapple juice! Pink berry (yes, Pinkberry). Drank pisco sours at Rosa Nautica. Dinner together as a group. It was a buffet, so I have no idea what I actually ate.

Successfully made it through security (even waited in line like a good customer). Right next to the scanning machines, there was a giant plastic container of confiscated knives, tools, box cutters which kind of blew my mind. One of the girls took a snapshot, so hopefully it will be featured here.

Mix of the kiddies: handful of Jersey girls (myself included), Canadians, Aussies, and a token Kiwi. No Brits surprisingly enough.

Today is all about Arequipa, but tomorrow we start a series of eight hour bus rides through the countryside. I'm about to discover just how tough and exactly how far I like being outside of my comfort zone. My hotel room Sunday night didn't have air conditioning and I made it out alive - I'm thinking that's a good sign of my abilities to "rough it".

Via iPhone

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