So this particular flight, I was the door greeter. I personally said hello to just about every single passenger and created warm fuzzy feelings of happiness as the customers boarded the plane - all without my Costa ham & cheese toasty, small latte extra shot. There were a few memorable people who got on the plane, the elderly couples who I jokingly told the husbands to behave themselves, Penn State fans who I told had to go change their shirts. I just like to create a warm, friendly atmosphere as people enter my work space that will last all the way across the pond. So there was this one couple who I recalled having a jovial conversation with who were seated in the middle, rear of the aircraft. I poured a few of their cokes during the first round of service.
The section 8 cabin crew was pretty tight - we were all the same juniority, same age, similar backgrounds and stages in life. We worked really well together and had a blast sitting around talking to pass the time during our Atlantic crossing. At one point, close to when we were getting ready to set up for our pre-arrival service, I went for a walk and was unfortunately too slow making my way back to the aft galley and was stopped by some foreigner asking about forms for landing. As I was now running to the galley to retrieve them, this lady who I had pleasant report with earlier asked me if I had a pen for her to fill out her visa information with, and I quickly told her no, but to make friends with her neighbor. So I went back to the original passenger, handed him the form he needed, and as I was passing her seat I heard, "and there goes that rude bitch." Clear as day, loud enough for the surrounding 4 rows to hear.
I was floored.
I'm not one for confrontation, and I wish all of you could have met the other stews I was flying with because that title, while belonging to no one, most certainly wasn't mine. And aren't we all adults here? Who speaks like that about others in public??? I let it go immediately, I wasn't interested in lowering myself to her level. My co-workers felt differently and she was confronted in a professional way, to the effects of which I cannot quite relay. Something along the lines of is there a problem here? I'm not here to argue, but that behavior is not tolerated.
SO of course I posted this on MyFace.
Responses ranged from of course! to you're a sweetheart! to I had her on my flight last week.
Needless to say, I'm most certainly looking forward to my three day weekend, courtesy of scheduling granting my personal drop for tomorrow.